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August 9, 2024: E-News Updates

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Scriptures: Proverbs 3:5-6 & James 1:2-4
Sermon Title: Don't Quit: Do it - Persevering in Faith
Guest Preacher: Rev. Peter Park

Rev. Sung Peter Park has been ordained in the PCUSA as a Minister of Word and Sacrament since 1999.  His passion in ministry is in the New Worship Community, revitalized churches in the PCUSA, UMC and ECC, and has served in New York, San Diego, North Carolina and Illinois.  While his full-time occupation is in finance and wealth management, he also has done part-time bridge pastoring.  He also serves on the New Worshiping Committee of the Chicago Presbytery and the faculty team of CREDO of the Board of Pensions. He has been married to Jenny for 29 years and has three children named Sofie, Jonah and Elyssa along with three dogs: Toby, Penny and Tigger.  He enjoys playing golf, hiking, playing the guitar and coaching volleyball with family and friends.

A huge thank you to all you volunteered and participated in this year's Vacation Bible School! Check out some of this week's snapshots.  



We are happy to announce that Rev. Kelly-Ann Rayle has accepted our interim pastor position at EPC. There will be more detailed information about Rev. Rayle in the near future. She will be starting in September but the exact date is still being discussed. 

EPC has had an interim pastor before because, as a Presbyterian Church, that is a part of the process before the permanent pastor is selected. 

Rev. Rayle will be staying with us for at least a year and this can be extended if needed. She will not be applying for the permanent pastor position. Most interim pastors continue as interim pastors as their calling.
The interim pastor responsibilities are:

• Work with the congregation on interim / transitional tasks
• Provide spiritual and administrative leadership for the congregation
• Lead worship and administer the sacraments
• Officiate at weddings and funerals
• Provide pastoral care for the congregation and for all who seek comfort and guidance through the church
• Serve as moderator of the session and head of staff
• Assist boards and committees in their ministry
• Train newly elected officers and assist in preparing persons for membership
• Participate in the presbytery
• Conduct a congregational mission study or similar study as preparation for the Pastor Nominating Committee

We look forward to the congregation meeting Rev. Rayle. We know as an EPC congregation we will welcome her with open arms and do everything we can to make this transition a successful one.


The EPC Deacons were considering having a blood drive but found there are blood drives already scheduled at other organizations. The next blood drive in Elmhurst is at City Hall at 209 N York St. on Wednesday, August 28th from 9:30 AM -1:30 PM.

If you want to participate you can CLICK HERE to make an appointment through Vitalant, not City Hall.


This is a reminder to all who are interested in displaying something on our revamped website by launch time. Please contact Anna Lu as soon as possible to make sure your content can be displayed accurately. 


As migrants are no longer receiving food stamps, we will be collecting gift cards for common, affordable grocery stores like Aldi, Walmart, and Target to donate to ICDI. Please bring your gift card or cash donations to our Leadership Breakfast on Sunday, August 18th. We will hand collect all contributions for ICDI then.


Our next All Church Leadership Breakfast is on Sunday, August 18th. All of the church teams and committees will be meeting before worship from 9:30 AM - 10:25 AM.

Not on a ministry team (committee) but are curious about how you might serve the church? All are welcome to come learn and discern where you might use your gifts to serve in 2024!


Join us this summer for our Earth Care Education Series, where different speakers come in and educate us on the many different ways we can better care for our planet.

- "Conservation Foundation" with Jim Kleinwachter on Thursday, August 15th at 6:30 PM


Save the date for Sunday, September 8th! We'll be having our annual All Church Picnic after worship and all are welcome.
Sandwiches, sides, and desserts will be provided. We hope to see you there!



Your EPC Mission Team is exploring opportunities to partner with Habitat for Humanity. We'd like to start by asking you all to consider shopping at or donating items to Habitat's home improvement store and donation center "ReStore." The closest location is in Addison, on Route 53 across from The Room Place.

At ReStore, they sell cabinets, appliances, lighting, paint, and gently used furniture at very good prices so people can afford to refresh and update their homes. Your donations and/or purchases help to ensure stable and decent housing for our communities.


Want to assist immigrants with clothing while meeting caring and wonderful volunteers from Elmhurst?

Volunteer today for ICDI's clothing collection center located in EPC's basement. If you wish to be notified about sorting days (usually between 9:30-11 AM), please contact Pat Motto. 


Calling all gardeners! We’re looking for volunteers, whether experienced or willing to learn, to help take care of different areas of the church grounds. All are welcome, so check out the clipboards located by the church office to learn more and sign up today! 


Office hours may vary a bit over the next two months. Emerson Azcoitia has taken on the role of Interim Office Administrator while continuing to serve as EPC's Youth Leader. Cristi will continue to stay on as Virtual Office Assistant for the time being.

Direct any questions and/or applicant referrals to HR Chair, Patti Berner or Cristi and/or Emerson. Thank you for your patience as we continue to seek a regular, part-time Office Administrator.


Exodus World Service is an organization collecting packs for newly arriving refugee families throughout the Summer. These packs help refugees turn an empty apartment into a home!

How it works is after collecting household essentials for the kitchen, bedroom, and bath, you will set up an apartment for a refugee family and warmly greet them when they arrive. This is a great opportunity for your small group, friends, or family to serve refugees! CLICK HERE to learn more.



We collect clothes for Queering the Binary Foundation. To learn more about their mission, CLICK HERE to visit their website. Check out this list of items they're looking for. Donations can be dropped off in the dropbox located in the Nelson White Room.


Help us as we continually collect clothes for ICDI and the newly arriving immigrants. CLICK HERE to view the list of items they are currently in need of. 

Have donations? Contact Sarah from ICDI to schedule a drop off time.


Due to a severe allergy, EPC is now a NUT-FREE campus. Please be aware of this as you are bringing food into the church. We appreciate your willingness to be hospitable to those with severe allergies!  


The calendar above displays all current Church Session meetings scheduled through the end of 2024 for appointed Session members. Please note our next meeting is Tuesday, August 20th at 6:15 PM.

Please contact the Clerk of Session if you are interested in attending as a guest or for any other questions!


10:30 Sunday Worship Livestream - Click Here!

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Elmhurst Presbyterian Church
367 S Spring Road 
Elmhurst, IL 60126-3805
