Who We Are


Who We Are

We’re a welcoming congregation of the Presbyterian Church USA. You’ll find that we appreciate and value diversity of all kinds.

Many of the people who come to our church didn’t grow up as Presbyterians… in fact, a lot arrived without much church experience of any kind. So wherever you are on your own faith journey, you can feel comfortable at the Elmhurst Presbyterian Church.

Presbyterians pursue something called the priesthood of all believers. This means that no one person in our church has all of the answers. Guided by an experienced pastor, we search together for what difference faith can mean to people, both in their own lives and in the lives of others. We feel that the Bible is timeless; the messages it offers are as fresh in today’s fast-changing world as they ever were.

As Presbyterians, we also draw on the many talents and gifts of the people in our congregation to operate our church. Leaders are members so we offer the chance for people to participate as much - or as little - as they like.

Our building has been a landmark for nearly 70 years. It’s busy seven days a week with worship, service projects, small group meetings, and more. Plus, our building hosts a variety of community and educational organizations.

To learn more, come and visit. We look forward to welcoming you!


Touched by Grace, We Live Differently

We gratefully accept God's unmerited favor and allow it to transform us into a welcoming community that responds to Jesus Christ's call to love God and to love our neighbors.

We learn, teach, sing, serve, share, celebrate, mourn, give and receive as members of a community of faith whose mission extends far beyond our walls.

We believe that scripture offers timeless guidance and hope to a world that is hungering for love, belonging and healing.


The articles of faith to which we turn for strength in time of confusion or stress:

  1. God loves us unconditionally.
  2. Jesus is our Lord and Savior through whom we have eternal life.
  3. Grace is the basis of our relationship with God.
  4. Our sins are forgiven through Christ's life, death, and resurrection.
  5. The Bible reveals God's word.
  6. God has a plan and purpose for us and we are not alone.
  7. God hears our prayers and guides us.
  8. There is nothing so evil that God cannot redeem it and use it for God's good will and purpose. 


The positive, habitual behaviors that we are expected to demonstrate in daily living.

  1. Welcoming people in the name of Jesus Christ.
  2. Worshipping joyfully.
  3. Transforming lives by connecting people to Jesus Christ.
  4. Nurturing Christian discipleship.
  5. Empowering people to serve through their spiritual gifts.
  6. Working together in collaborative and accountable relationships.
  7. Reaching out to serve a broken world.
  8. Making every effort to preserve and restore God’s creation.
  9. Giving distinctively Christian care to individuals in need