


Worship is the heart of how Elmhurst Presbyterian Church (EPC) celebrates. During COVID-19 restrictions, our building is closed but we continue worship joyfully:

  • New service posted on our YouTube channel every Sunday morning.
  • Weekly congregational Zoom call every Sunday morning at 11:30 am.



Worship Service:

Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary.

Special services during Lent, Easter, Advent and Christmas


Passing of the Peace: It’s a tradition at EPC to get out of the pews and connect with as many people as possible during the passing of the peace. Visitors are often surprised by our liveliness. We continue to pass the peace during our weekly Zoom calls.

Music: EPC’s style of Worship allows for and requires a wide variety of musical genres including hymns, praise, gospel, folk and contemporary worship songs and classical music. Music is carefully planned to contribute to the worship service in an intentional, integrated and meaningful manner.

We welcome musicians from the congregation and community to share their gifts during the service.