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Thought for the Day, May 12, 2020

Posted by Traci Smith on

THOUGHT OF THE DAY: Let. ​If you’re feeling like you need a change of pace, either from watching things on a screen or reading, might I suggest listening to a short podcast episode? I thought ​this ​five minute episode on a poem, inspired by Genesis chapter 1, was just lovely. Have a listen, and let me know what you think. 

MAIL​: GOOD NEWS! The church mail situation is ​finally ​ getting straightened away! It’s being held at the post office and I’ll pick it up from time to time. I got a huge backlog of mail that was previously lost and so if you sent in checks that seem to have vanished, what was lost has now been found! 

SERVICE HELP: ​We’re still looking for Scripture Readers and special “Passing of the Peace” videos. If you’re interested in doing either, please contact Pastor Traci or Susan

TRIVIA NIGHT: ​Join us for a ​TRIVIA NIGHT​ on May 30th. Proceeds benefit the Deacon Fund! It’s all in good fun and to benefit a great cause. Don’t worry 

THIRTY MINUTE CHECK IN: ​Don’t forget to sign up for a check in if you need to talk. We can do a video or voice chat. My calendar is available ​HERE​. 

THESE DAYS:​ We got them fairly late, but the ​These Days ​ devotionals are ready for you to pick up at the circle drive at church. 

CHALK THE WALK: ​When the weather is nice, help us leave messages of hope for our community on our circle driveway. While you’re there, pick up any trash you see lying around, or pluck up some dandelions before they go to seed. :) 
WEDNESDAY ZOOM MEETINGS: All meetings start at 7:00 p.m. 
May 13th - Tori, the therapy dog tricks from 7:15-7:35 - This week will be perfect for all ages. We’ll start our time with checkins and end with prayer. In the middle, we’ll get to see Tori’s fantastic tricks! 
May 20th - Bible and Beverage -- Bring your favorite beverage, and we’ll talk about a passage from the Bible! (update: We’ll be previewing our text for May 24th, Peter Sinks in the Water -- Matthew 14:22-33) 

May 27th - ​The Art of Living​ book discussion. 

 Zoom Meeting Link is: ​https://zoom​ ​.us/j/515981426 

PRAYER WALL​: Add to our growing prayer wall, ​HERE​
Love to all, in Christ, 
Pastor Traci 
