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Thought for the Day, April 14, 2020

Posted by Traci Smith on

April 14, 2020

Thought for the day: Psalms. While we’re sheltering in place, we might be looking for a new spiritual discipline. I’d love to suggest that you read through the Psalms in the Bible. The Psalms take just a few moments to read every day, and they cycle through a whole range of human emotions. Looking for the Psalms in the Bible? They’re about halfway through the Bible. Read a few and let me know what you think!

Looking for: Scripture Readers!​ Would you like to read the scripture for our Sunday worship service? Looking for volunteers who are willing to read a scripture reading to be included in our weekly broadcast. It’s easy, and I’ll tell you how to record it and what to do. If you’re interested, please email me at ​ or send me a text message! Thanks for considering it!

WEDNESDAY ZOOM:​ We’ve been meeting on Wednesdays for check in and prayer. This week, I’m asking everyone come prepared with a verse, a quote, or a phrase that’s been meaningful to you throughout the past few weeks. It can be anything you want, just make sure it’s on the brief side (maybe 30 seconds or so to read) so we can hear from everyone. This is not mandatory, of course. You can say “pass” when your turn comes up, but I would love to hear what is bringing you all comfort and strength, and I know others would love to hear it, too.

Here’s the link to our 7pm Zoom meeting: ​https://zoom.us/j/515981426

A fun link: Here’s a ​PRINTABLE ALLELUIA​ poster you might want to print and hang up in your window. I thought it was fun.

Love to all, in Christ,

Pastor Traci
