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Thought for the Day, April 13, 2020

Posted by Traci Smith on

April 13, 2020

Thought for the day: Resurrection as a process. Yesterday we celebrated Christ’s resurrection. Whether your Easter felt joyful or strange, happy or sad (or maybe some combination of all of those), it occurs to me that resurrection isn’t just a “one time” thing. We are constantly experiencing and seeing resurrection all around us in big and small ways. Look for resurrection in the coming days and weeks, no matter how small.

Here are some other things you might find useful for your spiritual journey this week:
● If you’d like to think of ways to practice resurrection, check out ​THIS ​printable for families. It’s maybe geared towards younger families, but still useful for all.

● Yo-Yo Ma has been posting songs of comfort on his social media. Recently, I was very struck by the simplicity of ​THIS ​familiar tune.

● I also was moved by ​THIS ​ Bocelli concert.

WEDNESDAY ZOOM: We’ve been meeting on Wednesdays for check in and prayer. This week, I’m asking everyone come prepared with a verse, a quote, or a phrase that’s been meaningful to you throughout the past few weeks. It can be anything you want, just make sure it’s on the brief side (maybe 30 seconds or so to read) so we can hear from everyone. This is not mandatory, of course. You can say “pass” when your turn comes up, but I would love to hear what is bringing you all comfort and strength, and I know others would love to hear it, too.
Here’s the link to our 7pm Zoom meeting: ​https://zoom.us/j/515981426

Love to all, in Christ,

Pastor Traci
