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EPC Blogs

Sunday Morning Links: November 14, 2021

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Good Morning Friends! 

Welcome to Sunday Worship! This morning's service begins at 10:30. Please join us either online or in person! If you are joining us in the sanctuary, please wear a mask and sit in the pews assigned by the greeters.  

If you want to join us on our live-stream, tune in between 10:30-10:35 using the link below. There is also a link to the bulletin so you can follow along with the liturgy.

 Today is Dedication Sunday! We will be focusing on the future of EPC and our hopes and dreams for what's to come. You will be invited to pledge your time, talent, and treasure for 2022 using the pledge cards you received in the mail -- don't forget to bring them. We look forward to a great future at EPC, and you are invited to be a part of it. 

"This is the day the LORD has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Our Stewardship Campaign is wrapping up today with Dedication Sunday. We will celebrate and look forward to a bright future of EPC, one that is only made possible with your help. Bring your pledge cards to worship this morning or have them in front of you while worshipping virtually and be in prayer for what time, talent, and treasure you can pledge for 2022. 

Today's Bulletin

10:30 Sunday Worship Livestream - Click here!

Give to Elmhurst Presbyterian Church
