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Sunday Morning Links: July 28, 2024

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Good Morning! 

Welcome to Sunday Worship! This morning's service begins at 10:30am. Today's scriptures are Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 & Hebrews 10:24-25. We welcome Rev. Peter Park to the pulpit this morning as our guest preacher, who will be delivering his message Don't Quit: Do It - Persevering in Community. 

Rev. Sung Peter Park has been ordained in the PCUSA as a Minister of Word and Sacrament since 1999.  His passion in ministry is in the New Worship Community, revitalized churches in the PCUSA, UMC and ECC, and has served in New York, San Diego, North Carolina and Illinois.  While his full-time occupation is in finance and wealth management, he also has done part-time bridge pastoring.  He also serves on the New Worshiping Committee of the Chicago Presbytery and the faculty team of CREDO of the Board of Pensions. He has been married to Jenny for 29 years and has three children named Sofie, Jonah and Elyssa along with three dogs: Toby, Penny and Tigger.  He enjoys playing golf, hiking, playing the guitar and coaching volleyball with family and friends.

If you want to join us on our live-stream for the worship service, tune in between 10:30-10:35am using the link below. There is a link to the bulletin so you can follow along with the liturgy. 

 "This is the day the LORD has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it."

10:30 Sunday Worship Livestream - Click here!

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Elmhurst Presbyterian Church
367 S Spring Road 
Elmhurst, IL 60126-3805
