Sunday Morning Links: January 29, 2023
Good Morning!
Welcome to Sunday Worship! This morning's service begins at 10:30 and we are kicking off our new sermon series titled, Refocus. This sermon series will help get ourselves focused, grounded, and re-energized for a new year as we enter into 2023. This morning's message is titled, Changing Direction
If you want to join us on our live-stream for the worship service, tune in between 10:30-10:35 using the link below. There is a link to the bulletin so you can follow along with the liturgy.
"This is the day the LORD has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it."
10:30 Sunday Worship Livestream - Click here!
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Our Annual Congregational Meeting at EPC is TODAY following the worship service. Please plan on staying as we attend to the important business of the church. During our meeting, we will have the opportunity to give thanks to God for God's goodness and mercy in 2022 and we'll look forward to the year to come. All members have a vote! The meeting will be livestreamed, but you must be in person to vote. Please click the link below to read the 2022 annual report.
Our first Leadership Breakfast for 2023 is TODAY at 9:30 AM! All committees and teams are meeting. If you're not on a ministry team (committee) but are curious about how you might serve the church in this way, please plan to come to the meeting at 9:30 to learn and discern where you might use your gifts to serve EPC in 2023! All are welcome.
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