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September 9, 2022: E-News Updates

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Hi EPC Friends and Members, 

Here's my "3-2-1" for this week...

3 EPC Happenings

1. Join us this Sunday as we have our all church picnic! All are welcome! As we continue our faith stories we will hear from Jim Davidovich, Carissa Kapcar, and Haley Silwa. They’ll be reflecting on faith and inclusion.

2. Help us fill the dog house! From now until the blessing of the animals we will be filling the dog house with donations for west suburban humane society! Please see the list of wanted items in the Nelson White Room. Also, please join us for the blessing of the animals on Saturday, October 8 at 4:00 PM in the circle drive. 

3. Trunk or Treat! Sunday, October 30 after worship! Plan to come and decorate your trunk for children in our neighborhood and community to enjoy!

2 Interesting Links

1. Mindful Breathing is a simple way to control anxiety and find inner peace. HERE'S a variety of easy techniques:

2. Miss services? Catch the livestream HERE

1 Thought 

This quote from Ghandi made me think this week:

Let the first act of every morning be to make the following resolve for the day:

- I shall not fear anyone on Earth. 
- I shall fear only God. 
- I shall not bear ill will toward anyone. 
- I shall not submit to injustice from anyone. 
- I shall conquer untruth by truth. And in resisting untruth, I shall put up with all suffering.

-Mahatma Gandhi

There you have it! Our 3-2-1 for the week. See you Sunday! 

It's not the same without you there, 

 In conjunction with our Blessing of the Animals service,
Community Kids will be collecting supplies for the
West Suburban Humane Society. 

Click HERE to see the list of items they need.

All donations can go in the doghouse as seen below which also features a display of photos from Michelle Mason!


Our church picnic is THIS SUNDAY after worship!! Be sure you join us for worship at 10:30 and stay for food, fun, and fellowship. All are welcome to join in this wonderful church event. 


Join us this Sunday as we continue our new sermon series! We will hear from Carissa Kapcar, Jim Davidovich, and Haley Silwa who will be discussing and reflecting on faith and inclusion.


Saturday, October 8 at 4PM – Plan to be here as we bless all of our pets and animal friends. We will have a special moment of remembrance for pets who have died as well. If you'd like your pet to be included in the remembrance prayer, please reach out to Pastor Traci. All of our pet friends must be on leashes or in cages, please. The blessing will be at the circle drive. All are welcome!


World Communion Sunday – October 2nd – World Communion Sunday is just around the corner! We’ll be featuring different types of bread and table coverings from around the world. If you’re able to bake a bread or bring a table covering from another country, please let Pastor Traci know!


Vegetable harvesting has begun!  Please bring in your plastic fruit and tomato containers to use for packaging and delivery to the food pantry.  We'll collect them in a box in the Nelson-White room.  Thank you from the garden team!


NEW SIGN UP! The worship team has a new way to sign up to be a liturgist or usher for Sunday mornings.  Please use this link which will take you to an online sign up form. All are welcome to volunteer. Unable to access the form for some reason or need help? Contact Carol Ewert or Cheryl Turek to sign up.


Did you know our presbytery, the Presbytery of Chicago, has an email list that you can subscribe to? Presbytery Connect shares upcoming events, timely news, and resources for your community. Be sure to sign up so you know what's happening! Click here.


Please visit our website and update your directory listing! You can visit the directory by following the instructions above or use this direct link

There will be Sunday School downstairs this Sunday! All kids are welcome to join us for a time of learning and fellowship. Tuning in online? A Zoom Link will be sent out Sunday Morning.


10:30 Sunday Worship Livestream - Click Here!

Give to Elmhurst Presbyterian Church
