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EPC Blogs

October 27, 2023: E-News Updates

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Hi EPC Friends and Members, 

Here's my "3-2-1" for this week...
3 EPC Happenings
1. Our Trunk or Treat is coming up THIS Sunday after worship  This safe and fun Halloween event is a wonderful tradition here at EPC. Bring any kids in your life, decorate a trunk, and come out for a fun time. 

2. Tomorrow is our Fall Clean Up Day! Many hands make light work so please come anytime between 9-12 to lend a hand.

3. Our church-wide Thanksgiving potluck is on Sunday, November 19th after worship. We provide the turkey and you bring the side dishes. Save the date for this wonderful fellowship event and sign up HERE to let us know how many people will be attending and what you will be bringing! 

2 Interesting Links
1. I absolutely adored THIS ARTICLE about the Jewish tradition of giving in multiples of 18 and how it brought life to the organization that harnessed its power. As we enter into the season of stewardship, what if you made your pledge to EPC (or a one-time gift) in an amount that has personal significance for you? Perhaps you’ll be guided by a birthday or an other number of personal significance.

2. Did you know that deep-fried MAPLE LEAVES are a delicacy in a particular village in Japan? I didn’t either.


1 Thought 

It is not the things we do in life that we regret on our death bed. It is the things we do not. I assure you I've done a lot of really stupid things, and none of them bother me. All the mistakes, and all the dopey things, and all the times I was embarrassed — they don't matter. What matters is that I can kind of look back and say: Pretty much any time I got the chance to do something cool I tried to grab for it — and that's where my solace comes from.

— Randy Pausch 


There you have it! Our 3-2-1 for the week. See you Sunday! 

It's not the same without you there, 

Join us this Sunday for a fun, intergenerational worship service on prayer. We will be joined in worship by siblings in Christ from the Dia Nuevo Worshipping Community. Don't miss it and be sure you stay after for the trunk or treat. 



Calling all families! Come on out for a fun and safe trick or treating event at EPC. All are welcome Sunday, October 29 at 12:00PM. Want to decorate a trunk? It's not too late! Click HERE


To help welcome baby Declan to the world, the Deacons of EPC are recommending Amazon gift cards for Clare and Brian Collins. Gift cards may be dropped off in the church office or with Susan Leslie, Moderator of the Deacons. 


Be on the lookout in your mailboxes -- stewardship letters and pledge cards will be arriving soon! 


The handbell choir performance date has been changed to Sunday, November 12. Rehearsals will immediately follow the worship service on 10/22, 10/29. Rehearsals will be at at 9:30am on 11/5 and 11/12. We are looking for one more person to join the group immediately!


Join us for a Thanksgiving Potluck on Sunday, November 19th after worship. Please sign up HERE and let us know how many people will be joining you, and what side dish you will be bringing. We will provide the turkey! 


Please note: the church office will be closed on Monday, October 30th.

Parents of teens are invited to a supportive time of conversation, community, and reflection as we gather around the joyful and challenging stage of parenting teens! We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at Brewpoint Craft from 10:30 am - 11:30 am. 


10:30 Sunday Worship Livestream - Click Here!

Give to Elmhurst Presbyterian Church


Elmhurst Presbyterian Church
367 S Spring Road 
Elmhurst, IL 60126-3805
