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November 24, 2021: E-News Updates

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November 24, 2021
Hi EPC Friends and Members!

I’m on vacation this week and out of the office until next Wednesday, December 1. I’m praying you all have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. There is much to be thankful for. 

"Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” --Ralph Waldo Emerson

With Gratitude, 

Pastor Traci

All of us at Elmhurst Presbyterian Church wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving! 

This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent. In worship, we will be having a special Hanging of the Greens service. During the service, we will be sharing the meaning of all of the elements you see in the sanctuary during the Advent season and singing some favorite Christmas Carols. Please join us!

Help give the children at Erie Neighborhood House a great Christmas! Grab a tag from the tree, please use Amazon for your shopping and ship the present to: 4225 W. 25th St, Chicago, IL 60623 and choose “weekday delivery only.” Gifts only need to arrive between 12/6-12/8 if you are physically dropping them off. If you are sending through Amazon, send now!

On Friday December 10th at 7.30pm, Lakeside Singers, a choral music group, will perform a holiday concert in the sanctuary of EPC. Lakeside Singers are a group of singers and musicians that include our very own Susan Smentek. The concert will celebrate music from Renaissance to Rock with an extraordinary mix of vocal styles. Tickets for adults are $35 each but are discounted for our congregation at $20 each. Tickets for Children are $10. For more information and to purchase tickets, go to https://www.lakesidesingers.com

EPC is raising funds to benefit an Afghan family of 11 who must leave Afghanistan due to exceptional risk. Your donation will go toward visa application, legal, and transportation fees. Please consider making a contribution by giving online, text to give, or placing a donation in the offering plate noting “Afghan Family Support.”

Longtime EPC member Dick White died on October 26th. There will be a memorial service on Saturday, December 11 at 2:00 PM at EPC. Please light a candle for his family and include them in your prayers.

This Sunday, there will be no Sunday School! All the kids are invited to join in worship for the Hanging of the Greens service.

10:30 Sunday Worship Livestream - Click Here!

Give to Elmhurst Presbyterian Church
