November 16, 2020: E- News Updates
From Paula Reckley -- Read on for info on Poinsettias this year
Poinsettias to decorate our sanctuary this Christmas?
Paula says…”Let’s consider a Plan B….please take a moment to visualize…”Drive through red and white Poinsettias pick-up in our church circle drive… Wrapped in plastic to protect from cold.. delivered to your car (accompanied with an optional cup of hot cider!) on Saturday, Dec.19 th . from 10:00-noon.
*Opportunity to re-gift if you are not keeping it yourself. I am already thinking of a few friends to call & tell them to expect a surprise on their front stoop (2020 makes it legit to ring doorbell and run!) Pay it forward with kindness- we all crave this opportunity this season.
* Write a tax deductible check to EPC
*See your name and dedications in Dec. newsletter, acknowledging your willingness to keep our tradition & just to be a fun person in the midst of these uncertain times.
*Mail a check to the church, to me at 180 Eggleston Ave OR drop in my mailbox.
*Cost is $15 per poinsettia…specify red or white and jot down who you would like to dedicate your thoughtfulness to…
To the memory of ___________ In honor of______
To the glory of God_____
Any questions call me, Paula Reckley, 630-212-5842. Most of you know the drill. I will make this work for you if you decide to participate. I will confirm your purchase & dedication. Thanking you in advance…
DEADLINE is December 9th . For me to call in EPC’s order…
Advent begins on November 29! We'll be having our Advent candle lighting together, on Zoom, at 11:30 a.m. during the weeks of Advent. We want everyone to have candles to light. There are a few ways to get your candles:
1. Email
to request a dropoff.
2. Pick up at church (there are a few on the welcome table as you first come in.)
3. Request your box be mailed to you.
4. Let us know that you have your own wreath or DIY and make one.
We do have plenty of Advent candle boxes all prepared, though, and we'd love to get them to you. Please let us know how you'll get yours!
DuPage PADS is changing the way the interim housing works for its clients because of COVID. Instead of moving clients around from church to church, they are starting a few sites where clients remain for several consecutive days in a row. This means EPC will not be needed as an interim housing site. Rather than have our blankets just sit in the basement, we are sending them out to those who need them. We'd like to have them freshly washed when we do. Please drop by the church to pick up a bag of blankets, wash them, return them in a clean bag and attach a "ready and clean" tag. Note: These blankets have been in our church basement for months. There is no risk that they are contaminated by COVID. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Traci or Pam Fuesz. Diana Rieske is helping us to coordinate the distribution. Thank you for participating in this small way to make a big difference.
Speaking of Mission -- we have a lot of ways to participate in mission this December. One way is to buy toys for the children of Erie House. Next week we'll have the toy needs for Erie House available for you to pick from. Coming soon!
DuPage PADS is changing the way the interim housing works for its clients because of COVID. Instead of moving clients around from church to church, they are starting a few sites where clients remain for several consecutive days in a row. This means EPC will not be needed as an interim housing site. Rather than have our blankets just sit in the basement, we are sending them out to those who need them. We'd like to have them freshly washed when we do. Please drop by the church to pick up a bag of blankets, wash them, return them in a clean bag and attach a "ready and clean" tag. Note: These blankets have been in our church basement for months. There is no risk that they are contaminated by COVID. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Traci or Pam Fuesz. Diana Rieske is helping us to coordinate the distribution. Thank you for participating in this small way to make a big difference.
Speaking of Mission -- we have a lot of ways to participate in mission this December. One way is to buy toys for the children of Erie House. Next week we'll have the toy needs for Erie House available for you to pick from. Coming soon!
NOTE: TIME CHANGE for Saturday Service to 4:00 pm, outdoors as long as possible. Sunday morning zoom will stay at 11:30 AM for now.
Hi Friends,
As we try to figure out all of our plans for this coming winter, I thank you for your patience! The worship and reopening teams from session will also be looking at this for the future, but for now:
Saturday, in person, will move to 4:00 pm, outdoors for as long as we're able to meet. We can bundle up. It will probably be clear to us when we have to stop meeting. Perhaps our meeting will be very short. We also will have the opportunity to do a drive up and worship from our cars.
Sunday morning will remain at 11:30 through Advent for a couple of reasons, the most important being that we already have advertised and sent out Advent boxes with this time. We can revisit this after Christmas! (Speaking of this, I hope many of you will want to join us on Zoom for the lighting of Advent candles.
Finally, I know you are eager to meet in person. Session and I will continue to work on safe ways to do this. For now, though, we are seeing very high coronavirus numbers and we're being urged to limit our nonessential gatherings.
This year, oof. So many losses and changes. I am grateful to the leaders of EPC and to all of you for your flexibility and can-do attitude as we go through all of it. We will never forget these months and this struggle.
Hop on a "night before Thanksgiving" zoom call with your EPC family. We'll be making gratitude chains, so bring paper, pencil, scissors and tape! Join Zoom Meeting
Every WEDNESDAY at 7:00 PM -- we chat, laugh, pray, and connect with each other.
Every SATURDAY at 4:00 p.m. (LIVE and IN PERSON and OUTSIDE)
Every SUNDAY at 11:30 PM ONLINE
Zoom Call-In Information:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 515 981 426
Dial by your location -- Use this number to call in from your phone if you can't come by computer!
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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