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EPC Blogs

May 31, 2024: E-News Updates

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Scriptures: John 11:1-44
Sermon Title: Hot Frogs, Old Seeds, & New Life
Guest Preacher: Rev. Jana Blazek

Rev. Jana Blazek (she/her) is the Director of Connectional Relationships with the Presbytery of Chicago and the Synod of Lincoln Trails, where she helps churches plan their communications strategies, share resources, and think about the future.  She also works with adult education and long-range planning at Fourth Presbyterian Church.  Jana lives in the Lincoln Square neighborhood of Chicago with her 8-pound dog Lucy and way too many books.



Want to assist immigrants with clothing while meeting caring and wonderful volunteers from Elmhurst?

Volunteer today for ICDI's clothing collection center located in EPC's basement. If you wish to be notified about sorting days (usually between 9:30-11 AM), please contact Pat Motto. 


Calling all recent graduates at EPC! We want to acknowledge and celebrate your academic accomplishments. 
Please contact the church office with the name, school, degree, or certificate your 2024 graduate has acquired. Congratulations to the class of 2024!


Join us this summer for our Earth Care Education Series, where different speakers come in and educate us on the many different ways we can better care for our planet.

- "Making Native Gardens Easier" on Thursday, June 20th at 6:30 PM
- "DuPage Monarch Project: Local Solutions for Monarch Recovery" on Tuesday, July 30th at 6:30 PM


Calling all gardeners! We’re looking for volunteers, whether experienced or willing to learn, to help take care of different areas of the church grounds. All are welcome, so check out the clipboards located by the church office to learn more and sign up today! 


Save the date for Sunday, September 8th! We'll be having our annual All Church Picnic after worship and all are welcome.
Sandwiches, sides, and desserts will be provided. We hope to see you there!


Please be aware that the church will begin exterior concrete and paving work the week of May 20th. Parking may be minimally impacted while they repair, repave, seal, and restripe the parking lot and circle drive area.

Project should be complete by early June depending on the weather. Thank you for your patience and cooperation!


Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 22nd as we get ready for PrideFest 2024. As always, we're partnering with Elmhurst Pride Collective to make this event possible, but we need YOUR help!

Interested in volunteering? CLICK HERE to learn more and apply.


It has been so devastating to see the horrors occurring in Gaza since October of 2023. Because EPC has been engaged in so many other missions in our community and abroad, we have not yet done a special collection for this ongoing situation.  We want to remind everyone that supporting Presbyterian Disaster Assistance in times like these is always a good idea.  

PDA has approved solidarity grants and will continue supporting our partners providing humanitarian assistance. Our response efforts will encompass a wide array of vital humanitarian interventions, including but not limited to medical supplies, shelter, WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene), food and non-food items and delivering crucial psychosocial support to individuals.

PDA's Response to Gaza

Rev. Prof. Mitri Raheb — Matthew 25 Summit Keynote from Presbyterian Mission Agency on Vimeo.


We're collecting clothes for Out of the Closet. To learn more about their mission, CLICK HERE to visit their website. Check out this list of items they're looking for. Donations can be dropped off in the dropbox located in the Nelson White Room.


Help us as we continually collect clothes for ICDI and the newly arriving immigrants. CLICK HERE to view the list of items they are currently in need of. 

Have donations? Contact Sarah from ICDI to schedule a drop off time.


Due to a severe allergy, EPC is now a NUT-FREE campus. Please be aware of this as you are bringing food into the church. We appreciate your willingness to be hospitable to those with severe allergies!  

Get ready for an incredible week of VBS where our curriculum is jam-packed with thrilling and engaging content from Monday, August 5th through Thursday, August 8th! 

We have carefully designed an exciting program that will entertain and educate children of all ages. So mark your calendars and scan the QR code to sign up for VBS 2024 today!

The calendar above displays all current Church Session meetings scheduled through the end of 2024 for appointed Session members. Please note our next meeting is Tuesday, June 18th at 6:15 PM.

Please contact the Clerk of Session if you are interested in attending as a guest or for any other questions!


10:30 Sunday Worship Livestream - Click Here!

Give to Elmhurst Presbyterian Church


Elmhurst Presbyterian Church
367 S Spring Road 
Elmhurst, IL 60126-3805
