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June 9, 2023: E-News Updates

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Hi EPC Friends and Members, 

Here's my "3-2-1" for this week...

 3 EPC Happenings
 1. Pride is just two weeks away! I am really looking forward to an amazing festival and opportunity to share the good news of God's love for all with our neighbors and friends! Read on for more information about the weekend! 

2. Vacation Bible School is a great way to reconnect with your faith through fun activities, lessons and time with fellow church members. Be sure to register to volunteer or attend! Neighbors and friends are welcome, too! 

3. If you're interested in joining EPC, consider joining us for a new member class this Sunday after worship!

2 Interesting Links
 1.I loved this sweet story about a magician PERFORMING MAGIC TRICKS FOR SHELTER DOGS

2. I also have been loving the MERLIN APP to identify birds by their song. Highly recommend! 

1 Thought 
What you seek is seeking you.
-- Rumi 

 There you have it! Our 3-2-1 for the week. See you Sunday! 
It's not the same without you there, 

Join us this Sunday as continue our sermon series that explores the meaning and rich symbolism within the Presbyterian Church (USA) seal. We will explore the historical significance and theological depth behind each element, from the burning bush to the cross, the open Bible to the descending dove. Discover how these sacred images inspire us to live out our faith in today's world. Don't miss this series that will connect us to our Presbyterian heritage and help us along our spiritual journey. This Sunday we continue with a message about the flame. 


Interested in joining EPC? Join us for a membership class after worship this Sunday, June 11. 


Pride Weekend is just around the corner! Save the date for June 24-25 and be sure to plan on attending these wonderful events. 


Join us on Friday, June 23 at 7PM for a special conversation with guests Jennifer Knapp and Daneen Akers moderated by our own Traci Smith. Tickets are pay what you want and can be available HERE



Mark your calendars for the EPC Project C.U.R.E. Fundraising Gala on Friday, September 22, 2023! This will be an opportunity for fellowship within and outside of our EPC faith community as we aim to send $15,000 to fund the shipment of medical equipment to Malawi, Africa.If you want to learn more about Project C.U.R.E., click HERE.


The Garden Team is looking for volunteers to maintain the church garden through the spring and summer. It is a wonderful ministry of our church, and we want to make sure it is thriving! There are plenty of opportunities available and more information can be found on the bulletin board. We need help with caring for various garden beds and borders as well as the children’s vegetable garden. Many hands make light work, so please consider helping us out! 


Planning for Elmhurst Pride Fest is underway and we are looking for volunteers. Are you interesting in supporting this wonderful community event? Sign up HERE


Volunteers Needed for VBS!
Vacation Bible School will be held at EPC 7/10-7/14. Dinner will be served at 5 PM, followed by lessons and activities from 5:30-7:30. We are looking for volunteers to make dinner and clean up afterward (time commitment approximately 4:30-5:30), and volunteers to make and/or buy popcorn for our family and friends movie night on 7/14. Please sign up HERE


Confirmation class is Sundays from 11:45-12:45 after worship. Class will meet in the Teen lounge in the basement and we will be using the Confirm not Conform curriculum. Classes will meet for about 10 weeks. Have questions? Contact Emerson


Parents of teens are invited to a supportive time of conversation, community, and reflection as we gather around the joyful and challenging stage of parenting teens! 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at Brewpoint Craft from 10:30 am - 11:30 am. Advance registration encouraged -- please click HERE


Youth Ministry is looking for volunteers to assist on Sunday mornings with classroom management and general assistance. Tasks would include supporting students and assisting with games and art projects! No planning or curriculum building necessary, Micaiah will provide you with everything you need to know. Please click HERE to sign up. 


10:30 Sunday Worship Livestream - Click Here!

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