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EPC Blogs

June 17, 2022: E-News Updates

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Hi EPC Friends and Members, 

Here's my "3-2-1" for this week...

3 EPC Happenings

1. Congregational Meeting -- We need you!! Please plan on staying after worship THIS SUNDAY June 19th for a brief congregational meeting! The purpose for this meeting is to elect Ruling Elders and the Nominating Committee. We are so grateful to our leadership, so please join us to celebrate and elect our newest leaders. 

2. PRIDE! -- An EPC event you won't want to miss! Join us on June 25 from 12-3 PM at EPC. Pride gives us a chance to shine our light in the community and show that we welcome, love, and embrace everyone! We need YOUR help to make this event a success. Please check out the sign up sheet on the sign up board to see how you can help!

3. Blessing of the Backpacks -- Mark your calendars for Sunday August 14 as we bless all of our students for back to school in our Sunday worship service. All students and kids are welcome. Bring your backpacks and receive a special blessing! 

2 Interesting Links

1. Today we laid Eleanor Fralick to rest in our memorial garden. One of the poems read by the family was THIS ONE by Emily Dickinson. What a beautiful reminder of the value of our small actions. 

2. Speaking of poetry, I was also mentioning to the Fralick family how much I love reading poems to my children from THIS COLLECTION. It's so good for all ages. 

1 Thought 

 As we prepare to honor Junteenth, consider this quote:  
“I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free… so other people would be also free.”
—Rosa Parks

There you have it! Our 3-2-1 for the week. See you Sunday! 

It's not the same without you there, 

There will be a congregational meeting following worship THIS SUNDAY June 19th.  The purpose for this meeting is to elect Ruling Elders and the Nominating Committee. Please plan on staying to participate!


Elmhurst Family PRIDE Fest is NEXT SATURDAY!! 
 Saturday, June 25 from 12-3. 

If you're interested in hands-on volunteering and helping at PRIDE, please check out the sign up sheet that is on the sign up board. We need your help with setting up, hosting our table, as well as clean-up and take down of the event. 

Come join us for this fun filled event!


The Elmhurst Walk-In Assistance Network is looking for sponsorships for their 'Cue for a Cause event on September 4, 2022. Please see THIS link to sign up and consider becoming a sponsor and THIS link for more information.


The garden team is looking for more help, especially with watering new plantings! The garden team typically meets ​​on Tuesday and Friday mornings, but that is subject to change depending on the weather.  We also need help tending the vegetable garden through the summer. Duties include watering, weeding, harvesting, packaging, weighing, and delivering. Interested? Contact Ruth Schroeter.


There will be NO Pastor's Bible Study this Wednesday due to PRIDE event preparations! 


Did you know our presbytery, the Presbytery of Chicago, has an email list that you can subscribe to? Presbytery Connect shares upcoming events, timely news, and resources for your community. Be sure to sign up so you know what's happening! Click here.



Be sure you check out the Earth Care display in the Nelson-White Room to learn more about what we can do to help our earth and all of creation! It's a great way to get some resources to something practical in conjunction with our sermon series on creation! 


Please visit our website and update your directory listing! You can visit the directory by following the instructions above! 


The Worship Team is looking for folks to serve as Liturgists or Ushers on Sunday Mornings. Ushers are responsible for welcoming worshippers, handing out bulletins, lighting and extinguishing candles, and setting out offering plates and returning them to work room. Liturgists participate in worship by leading the congregation in the call to worship, the passing of the peace, and the prayer of dedication. There is a sign up sheet in the lobby or contact the church office.


Summer Wednesdays at EPC! Join us on Wednesdays June 29, July 20, and August 10 from 5:30-7:30 PM for a fun-filled gathering of faith, food, and fellowship. There will be dinner, a time of worship, and other surprises. Do you want to help plan these events? Contact Pastor Traci!

There is a lot going on in the life of the church in the next few months. Please make sure you mark your calendars for all of our upcoming events: 

June 19 -- Congregational Meeting after Worship
June 25 -- PRIDE! 
June 29 -- EPC Summer Wednesday 

There will be Sunday School downstairs this Sunday! All kids are welcome to join us for a time of learning and fellowship. Tuning in online? A Zoom Link will be sent out Sunday Morning.


10:30 Sunday Worship Livestream - Click Here!

Give to Elmhurst Presbyterian Church
