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January 28, 2022: E-News Updates

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Hi EPC Friends and Members, 

Here's my "3-2-1" for this week...

3 EPC Happenings

  1. This Sunday, please join us for our annual meeting in worship at 10:30! We'll celebrate 2021 and look forward to 2022! Please see links to the annual reports and proposed bylaws changes below. 
  2. Pastor's Drop In Bible Study -- 12:00 - 1:00 Wednesdays on Zoom (please see link below and graphic!) Here are six things I want you to know about this study: 

1. It begins on February 9th and will be one hour long from 12-1pm. The first week we'll be studying Mark 1:1-15 

2. Come as you are! If it's your lunch break and you want to be off camera and listening only while you eat your lunch, fine! If you are on a walk at the same time, also fine! 

3. It's drop in so you come when you can. If you don't think you'll be able to make it but then unexpectedly find you can, we'd love to see you! 

4. I'll tell you each week what the passage is going to be for you to read and think about in advance, if you want but the study is designed to be no-prep. 

5. Here's the schedule: 
12:00-12:05 - Drive in to the parking lot! -- I'm giving you five whole minutes to get logged in to this zoom. I'm going to start talking at 12:05! 
12:05-12:15 - Reading the passage and a little introduction to it, Pastor Traci 
12:15-12:45 - Looking at the passage in three parts: 
What does the text say?
What does the text mean?
How are we called to live because of it?
12:45 - 1 minute check ins and closing prayer. 

6. Friends are welcome! All are welcome! 

  1. Winter blahs. When I'm asking you all how you're doing, the most common thing I'm hearing is "Eh... it's getting long and wintery and, blah." I know! It's so cold and blah and grey and ugh! If you'd like to check in and talk (even if we haven't talked in a long time or ever and it feels weird to pop in on my calendar) I'd love to invite you for a 30 or 60 minute check in on my calendar.  -- YOU decide what we talk about. I'll just show up at the zoom link with my second or fourteenth cup of coffee for the day. Easy peasy and I love it when my calendar surprises me with you in it. True fact #1 I can talk and listen all day long and don't get tired. True fact #2: I love it. (If you check that calendar and none of the times work, no problem, I just have to unlock the next level of availability, so let me know when you're free and we'll work it out! 

2 Interesting Links

  1. Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh died last week after a very long, full life. If you've never read anything by him, I highly recommend his work and thoughts. Just reading him will calm your heart rate, and putting into practice some of the things he talked about will change your life. THIS collection of quotes is great (though it may be behind a paywall for you.) I also was reading THIS teaching from him yesterday, which is long and kind of winding. The section that resonated with me starts with "Each of is like a hungry ghost" and goes on for about 5 paragraphs. 
  2. Astronomy's Most Dazzling Era is About to Begin -- I can't WAIT

1 Thought

Punishing the other person is self-punishment. That is true in every circumstance.
- Thich Nhat Hanh (again!)
This gem is from his book Taming The Tiger Within 

There you have it! Our 3-2-1 for the week. See you Sunday! 

It's not the same without you there, 

Pastor Traci

The Annual Meeting of Elmhurst Presbyterian Church will be held this Sunday, January 30th, during our regular worship service. During our meeting, we will have the opportunity to give thanks to God for God's goodness and mercy in 2021 and we'll look forward to the year to come. We will attend to all of the business of our congregation, including receiving reports from the Session, the Pastor's Terms of Call, and other business from the floor.  Changes to the bylaws will be presented as well. The 2021 Annual Report and the Proposed Bylaws changes can be accessed using the links below. The proposed changes regarding the Board of Trustees and changes to the bylaws are presented by the Session and that the change in quorum is being proposed by the Secretary of the meeting of the Congregation at the recommendation of the Presbytery of Chicago. 

Want to attend online? We will be using this Zoom Link to live stream the service and allow participation in the voting portion of the annual meeting. Have questions about attending online? Contact Kaleigh

Click Here for the 2021 Annual Report

Click Here for the Proposed Bylaws Changes

Due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases, we are encouraging all folks who can to worship with EPC via livestream this Sunday at your discretion. This Sunday, we are encouraging folks to attend on Zoom so that all can participate in the annual meeting. The service will be live-streamed through Zoom, and you can participate in any voting. 

Click here for Sunday Morning's Zoom Link

Our first leadership breakfast for 2022 will be Sunday, January 30th at 9:30 AM. All committees and teams are meeting. If you'd like to serve a committee and you're not sure which one to serve, please come to the breakfast! We'll have someone standing by to tell you what the committees are and where you might best fit. If you would prefer to attend on Zoom, please use the EPC Zoom Link

We are in the process of updating our directory and we need your help! Please contact our Office Administrator, Cristi by phone or email to update your info. The deadline for this is March 1, but the sooner the better! 

An update to our Afghan Family Support: The family of 11 was able to get Afghan passports, visas to safety in Pakistan, and a flight to Islamabad, Pakistan. Thanks to your contributions, we are able to help them with housing expenses in Pakistan while they wait for paperwork to be processed. Please consider making a contribution by giving online, text to give, or placing a donation in the offering plate noting “Afghan Family Support.”

Make a Donation to Afghan Family Support

Join us this Sunday as we think about the question, "Who is My Neighbor? And What Does this Mean?" Kids will be downstairs with Emily for church and back in for prayer requests!

Click here for a Coloring Sheet!

10:30 Sunday Worship Livestream - Click Here!

Give to Elmhurst Presbyterian Church
