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December 3, 2021: E-News Updates

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Hi EPC Friends and Members! 

Here's my "3-2-1" for this week...

3 EPC Happenings

  1. Fill the Stable -- We're filling our stable with items for our community partners. Diapers for the New Deliverance Diaper Ministry, Soup for our Soup Pantry, hats and gloves for D205 students. Why is the stable outside? It's a reminder to our community that they are invited to participate as well!
  2. Family Christmas Pageant — Come one, Come all for our Christmas Pageant during the worship service on December 19th. All ages are welcome and everyone who wants a part will have one! Grandchildren, friends, and all children in your life are invited! Please plan to arrive by 10:15 to receive your part! 
  3. Christmas Eve Service — December 24th — Hear the familiar story through first person narrative, song and candles. The service begins at 6pm and will also be live-streamed.

2 Interesting Links

  1. I’m quoted in an article in the Washington Post that talks about Children’s Bibles. You can read it here.
  2. The song Every Season by Nichole Nordeman is lovely and true, I think, and I’ve been enjoying it this week, as autumn turns to winter.  The lyrics are here.

1 Thought

Share Loving-Kindness

The practice of loving kindness meditation has been widely researched for the ways in which it can affect physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Even if you’ve never tried meditation (maybe especially if you haven’t), start with this. Here’s one I use regularly. Give it a try and see what you think. You can use it to send love to anyone you know or don’t. What would it mean for us to share loving-kindness with everyone we meet? 

There you have it! Our 3-2-1 for the week. See you on Sunday! 

It's not the same without you there, 

Pastor Traci

This Sunday is the Second Sunday of Advent. During worship, we will be lighting the second Advent Candle, the Candle of Peace. Pastor Traci will be preaching on the story of Elijah being fed by the ravens, and we will celebrate Communion. If you are tuning in virtually, be sure you have communion elements with you. Hope to see you there!

Help give the children at Erie Neighborhood House a great Christmas! Don't forget to get your gifts for the Giving Tree in! If you are using Amazon for your shopping, ship the present to: 4225 W. 25th St, Chicago, IL 60623 and choose “weekday delivery only.” Gifts only need to arrive between 12/6-12/8 if you are physically dropping them off.

It's time to order poinsettias to decorate our sanctuary for Christmas Eve! Red and White ones are available for $18. Orders must be placed by December 13th. Order forms can be picked up during worship on December 5 & 12 or accessed here. Please send your completed order form with payment to the church office or place it in the offering plate. 

To honor the Holy Family during Advent, help EPC fill the stable. During the month of December, we are collecting donations of soup, diapers, hats, gloves, and gift cards. Please place your items in our stable located outside the church in the circle drive. Thank you for supporting our local community!

Our Family Christmas Pageant is on Sunday, December 19th during the worship service. All are welcome to join, and there's a part for everyone - just be sure you arrive at 10:15AM. Bring your friends, neighbors, grandkids, or any children in your life! It will be a wonderful celebration of the Christmas story. 

Join us for our Christmas Eve worship service on December 24th at 6:00PM. This year, we will experience the Christmas Story through first-person narratives of those who were present at that first Christmas, familiar carols, and candlelight. Please plan on joining us -- the service will also be live streamed!

On Friday December 10th at 7.30pm, Lakeside Singers, a choral music group, will perform a holiday concert in the sanctuary of EPC. Lakeside Singers are a group of singers and musicians that include our very own Susan Smentek. The concert will celebrate music from Renaissance to Rock with an extraordinary mix of vocal styles. Tickets for adults are $35 each but are discounted for our congregation at $20 each. Tickets for Children are $10. For more information and to purchase tickets, go to https://www.lakesidesingers.com

EPC is raising funds to benefit an Afghan family of 11 who must leave Afghanistan due to exceptional risk. Your donation will go toward visa application, legal, and transportation fees. Please consider making a contribution by giving online, text to give, or placing a donation in the offering plate noting “Afghan Family Support.”

Make a Donation to Afghan Family Support

Longtime EPC member Dick White died on October 26th. There will be a memorial service on Saturday, December 11 at 2:00 PM at EPC. Please light a candle for his family and include them in your prayers. 

Sunday School is hybrid this week! Join us either in-person or on Zoom. If you are tuning in online, be sure to watch the Live Stream to know when we leave the sanctuary to come meet us.

This week in Sunday School, we’ll be talking about peace and crafting chains from red, white, and green strips of paper. Anyone following along at home should pre-cut some strips of paper to make their own!

Click here for the Sunday School Zoom Link

10:30 Sunday Worship Livestream - Click Here!

Give to Elmhurst Presbyterian Church
