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April 29, 2022: E-Notes Updates

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Hi EPC Friends and Members, 

Here's my "3-2-1" for this week...

3 EPC Happenings

1. This Sunday we'll be starting our two month long series on Creation and the Environment. Do you feel closer to God when you're in nature? If so, you're like a lot of people. Looking forward to exploring this together. Starting, this week, with birth.  

2. Also THIS SUNDAY (after worship!) we'll be loading up mattresses from PADS onto a truck to donate to a ministry in Chicago who could use them. This event is sponsored by Community Kids but the kids will need lots of grownups to help! Please plan to stay if you can. Many hands make light work. 

3. Mark your calendar for a very special worship service on May 22 celebrating our years of ministry for DuPage PADS and celebrating their work in the community! More details to come soon! 

2 Interesting Links

1. I know I've talked about Loving-Kindness Meditation before. Here's ANOTHER version. 

2. I love Yo-Yo Ma, and this VIDEO of him answering questions from twitter is just delightful. 

1 Thought
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
Galations 5:22-23

There you have it! Our 3-2-1 for the week. See you Sunday! 

It's not the same without you there, 

Join us for our next Community Kids Event THIS Sunday, May 1, from 11:30 - 12:30. We'll be loading up mattresses that are no longer needed by DuPage PADS and will be donated to Grace and Peace church in Chicago. Please invite your friends and neighbors to help with this fun and easy service project. Community Kids helps kids connect with the value of serving and helping others.

Join us for our new sermon series, All Creatures of Our God and King, beginning this Sunday, May 1! This sermon series will be focusing on God's beautiful creation and the creatures we find within it. Spring is a great time to reflect on new life, new growth, and the environment. We'll think and dream about how EPC can be a place where we protect and nurture the environment. Join us next Sunday as we begin by hearing about Birth.

Be sure you check out the Earth Care display in the Nelson-White Room after worship this Sunday to learn more about what we can do to help our earth and all of creation! It's a great way to get some resources to something practical in conjunction with our sermon series on creation! 



In Memory of Helen Cline
April 20, 1924 - April 21, 2022
Memorial Service information will be forthcoming. 
"If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord." Romans 14:8 


The Worship Team is looking for folks to serve as Liturgists or Ushers on Sunday Mornings. Ushers are responsible for welcoming worshippers, handing out bulletins, lighting and extinguishing candles, and setting out offering plates and returning them to work room. Liturgists participate in worship by leading the congregation in the call to worship, the passing of the peace, and the prayer of dedication. There is a sign up sheet in the lobby or contact the church office


Check out our latest episode of EPC Live featuring Pastor Traci and our Pastoral Assistant, Kaleigh!  If you've not met Kaleigh before, here's your chance! Kaleigh and Pastor Traci talk about the work Kaleigh does at EPC and what it's like to have a virtual assistant in a church.

EPC Live! features guests from our own congregation and community talking about various topics including outreach, service, big dreams, and the Holy Spirit. It streams live to our YouTube and Facebook pages so be sure you are subscribed and follow us!


Masks are now optional in church, as of March 20. While we no longer require masks to enter, please be kind to those who choose to wear a mask. We will continue to offer the Peace of Christ using Covid friendly gestures. If local regulations change, we will update our masking policy.


Afghan Support Fund Update! A gift was made to Church World Service Afghan Assistance and Placement Program. The family has moved from an AirBNB to an apartment. Due to that change, our fund cannot help them with rent. We look forward to being able to help them with the airfare for 11 family members once their paperwork is processed. Please consider making a contribution by giving online, text to give, or placing a donation in the offering plate noting “Afghan Family Support.”

Make a Donation to Afghan Family Support

There is a lot going on in the life of the church in the next few months. Please make sure you mark your calendars for all of our upcoming events: 

May 1 -- Community Kids Event!
May 7-8 -- Art in the Park 
May 22 -- DuPage PADS Ministry Worship Celebration 
June 5 -- Pentecost Sunday
June 25 -- PRIDE! 

There will be Sunday School downstairs this Sunday! All kids are welcome to join us for a time of learning and fellowship. Tuning in online? A Zoom Link will be sent out Sunday Morning.

10:30 Sunday Worship Livestream - Click Here!

Give to Elmhurst Presbyterian Church
