
Every Sunday at 10:30am in the sanctuary or livestream on YouTube​

We also have additional special services during Lent, Easter, Advent and Christmas. You can always view weekly services on our YouTube page.

What to Expect

Worship is the heart of how Elmhurst Presbyterian Church (EPC) celebrates Christ’s love, explores biblical teachings, and renews our spirits for the week ahead.

Our worship services are lively, filled with music, opportunities to interact and biblically informed messages.

Come as you are – casual or Sunday best. Enjoy a relaxed atmosphere featuring great traditional and contemporary music from our praise band. People congregate to socialize before worship starting at about 10 a.m. and after the service until about noon in the Nelson White room.

It’s a tradition at EPC to get out of the pews and connect with as many people as possible during the passing of the peace. Visitors are often surprised by our liveliness.

Nursery: Available from 10:00 a.m. to noon in Room 101 for newborn to 3 years

Parking: There is lots of parking from the entrances on Spring Road, across from York High School’s football field. Enter through the doors on the east side of the building. A ramp on the north side of the building if needed.

Most Recent Sermon

Download the current EPC bulletin.

Contact Us

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