Adult Ministries


Adult Ministries

Elmhurst Presbyterian Church offers a number of ways for adult members to expand their knowledge of the Bible and feel more comfortable sharing their Christian faith.

Small Groups: EPC offers a variety of small groups and welcomes members to create new groups.

  • R.O.M.E.O Group (Retired Old Men Eating Out) – Meet on a regular basis at the Hi-View Restaurant in Villa Park. Contact Doug Hall at 630.279-8739.

Gardening as Stewardship

From our garden coordinator:

 When most people think of stewardship they think of financial commitment; and, while it is true that church members are asked to pledge financially each year, stewardship extends beyond money.  Here at Elmhurst Presbyterian Church we also consider the time and talents of the congregation and encourage everyone to find a place to serve.

One of the ways a person might serve is through ecological (or environmental) stewardship.  God calls us “to be faithful stewards of Creation and to show ways to live responsibly in the world God has given us” (an essential belief of the Presbyterian faith).  With the climate changing and species dying at a faster rate than ever, we must do more to care for Creation. 

Come join us as we kick-off this year’s ecological stewardship with two garden work days.  What does gardening have to do with ecological stewardship?  Everything! – At EPC we are working to restore natural ecosystems on our property.  If you are moved to serve in this way, please attend either or both of these days.  We will be constructing new raised beds in our organic vegetable garden, removing invasive plants, tidying up the garden beds, and cleaning up the grounds.  There will be jobs for children and adults.  Please bring rakes, yard waste bags, and clippers, if available.

 Contact us at 630-834-7750 if you have any questions.