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March 10, 2023: E-News Updates

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Hi EPC Friends and Members, 

Here's my "3-2-1" for this week...

3 EPC Happenings

1. Leadership Breakfast -- THIS SUNDAY! All of the church teams and committees will be meeting from 9:30-10:25. If you're not on a ministry team (committee) but are curious about how you might serve the church in this way, please plan to come to the meeting at 9:30 to learn and discern where you might use your gifts! 

2. Make a difference for girls in Sierra Leone this Lent -- This lent we’re diverting our coffee (or other) funds to Days for Girls. Days for Girls mission is to prepare and distribute sustainable menstrual health solutions to girls who would otherwise miss school during their monthly periods. Want to participate? Pick up your coffee cup at church and fill it with funds throughout Lent. We will bring our cups back and tally our totals the week after Easter. Cups of Grace!

3. Good Friday Storytelling Event -- Mark your calendars for Friday, April 7th. We will be having a special storytelling event around the theme of Lost and Found led by Mark Yaconnelli. To learn more about him, click HERE. You won't want to miss this special experience around the power of story.

 2 Interesting Links

1. Are you looking for a daily meditation for lent? I love THESE from Pray as you Go. 

2. Have you ever heard of the spiritual practice of grounding? Check it out HERE

1 Thought 

"Do you wish your prayer to fly toward God? Make for it two wings: fasting and almsgiving."
-- St. Augustine

There you have it! Our 3-2-1 for the week. See you Sunday! 

It's not the same without you there, 

Come one, come all to this Sunday's leadership breakfast! All committees will be meeting. Not serving a committee but curious about how you might serve EPC in the coming year? Come at 9:30 to learn and discern where your time, talent, and treasure might be used. All are welcome! 


Don't forget to set your clocks ahead this Sunday, March 12! 


Join us this Sunday in worship for the Third Sunday of Lent as we continue our Lenten Sermon Series, The Journey. The season of Lent is often described as a journey. A journey with Jesus towards Easter, a journey through as the days get longer, and a journey growing closer to God through our own spiritual disciplines. You are invited to join us on the journey as we begin with Pastor Traci's sermon Take Nothing With You


Join us for this special event at EPC on Good Friday, April 7th at 7PM! This storytelling event, Lost and Found will feature prominent author Mark Yaconelli. To learn more about him, click HERE. You won't want to miss this special experience around the power of story. Save the date!


This lent we’re diverting our coffee (or other) funds to Days for Girls. Days for Girls mission is to prepare and distribute sustainable menstrual health solutions to girls who would otherwise miss school during their monthly periods. Want to participate? Pick up your coffee cup at church and fill it with funds throughout Lent. We will bring our cups back and tally our totals the week after Easter. Want to learn more about the organization Days for Girls? Click HERE to watch a short video! 


Help make our sanctuary beautiful by ordering Easter Flowers! Order forms are now available. Forms will be available beginning this Sunday in a basket by the bulletin podium. Instructions can be found inside the envelopes. Any questions? Contact Paula Reckley.


We are looking for ushers and liturgists for the months of March and April. If you are interested, please sign up by clicking HERE


Attention parents of teenagers! Join us for a supportive time of conversation community and reflection as we gather around the joyful and challenging stage of parenting teens! We will meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at Brewpoint Craft at 9:30 - 10:30 am. All are welcome. Advance registration encouraged -- please click HERE


Youth Ministry is looking for volunteers to assist on Sunday mornings with classroom management and general assistance. Tasks would include supporting students and assisting with games and art projects! No planning or curriculum building necessary, Emerson will provide you with everything you need to know. Please click HERE to sign up. 


Planning for Elmhurst Pride Fest is underway and we are looking for volunteers. Are you interesting in supporting this wonderful community event? Sign up HERE.


10:30 Sunday Worship Livestream - Click Here!

Give to Elmhurst Presbyterian Church
