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August Blog Post

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You've heard the word "mission," no doubt, as our congregation supports various different ministries, both with our finances and with our time. DuPage PADS is, perhaps, our strongest mission partner, as we've dedicated a large portion of space to housing those experiencing homelessness and serve as a host site every Saturday evening during the PADS season. We also support a number of other mission partners, and the mission committee discerns where the spirit is leading us every year. Have you heard the word missional, as in the missional church?  The word missional is a bit different from mission, although there are places of connection. 

A missional church is a church that focuses on serving people outside their walls rather than expecting or assuming people will come to our church building. A missional church focuses on everyone in their circle of influence, not just people with socioeconomic or other "mission" needs. A missional church seeks to influence neighbors, millennials, teens, CEOs, service industry professionals, Wal-Mart workers, and everyone in between. How does a missional church accomplish this?  The first step is recognizing that people in the community who don't have a church home are very unlikely to walk in doors without a personal relationship. Walking into a church building where you don't know anyone is a huge step, and hard to do without a personal invitation. 

Many churches spend a lot of time creating the perfect event where people will want to come and experience the warm community of their congregation. There's nothing wrong with this, but it can often be ineffective. The good news is that we can bring our community to them. Who are the people in your sphere of influence who could benefit from our church community? Take time to build a relationship with them and share the good news of how your faith has changed your life. You don't have to be preachy or pushy, just share your story. Though it might feel hard at first, you might find that your community is hungry for spiritual nourishment and appreciates the space to talk about such things. 

We'll continue to learn more about the missional church in the months to come, and to develop strategies for influencing others and sharing our faith stories. In the meantime, take a few moments to consider who you know who might be looking for some spiritual connection. 
