Good Morning! Welcome to Sunday Worship! This morning's service begins at 10:30 and will be kicking off our new sermon series, The R's of Resurrection. Come and hear the Pastor Traci's sermon about the second R, Repair. Easter is more than a day, it’s a whole...
Hi EPC Friends and Members, Here's my "3-2-1" for this week...
3 EPC Happenings1. We've added an additional New Member Class for this Sunday after church! If you're interested in membership, see you there! 2. Pentecost is coming up soon! If you're interested in...
Good Morning! Welcome to Sunday Worship! This morning's service begins at 10:30 and will be kicking off our new sermon series, The R's of Resurrection. Come and hear the Pastor Traci's sermon about the first R, Repentance. Easter is more than a day, it’s a whole...
Hi EPC Friends and Members, Here's my "3-2-1" for this week... 3 EPC Happenings1. The season of resurrection is one of the most glorious liturgical seasons in our Christian world. It's a time of renewal, rebirth and resurrection. Very excited to begin a sermon series on the...
Good Morning! Welcome to Sunday Worship! This morning's service begins at 10:30 and we will have a special service of Easter Lessons and Carols. Come and hear the stories of the resurrected Christ, along with songs about resurrection. Easter is more than a day, it’s a whole...
Hi EPC Friends and Members, Here's my "3-2-1" for this week...
3 EPC Happenings1. Garden Work Day! Come spend a few hours in our glorious gardens this Saturday! All are welcome! Garden workers are meeting at 9. 2. Sunday Worship -- This Sunday is a fun service of Easter...
Good Morning! Welcome to Sunday Worship! This morning's Easter Sunday service begins at 10:30 and we will celebrate the Risen Christ! Join us for a joy-filled Easter morning. The sanctuary will be filled with Easter flowers and our hearts will be overflowing with the good news of the...
Hi EPC Friends and Members, Here's my "3-2-1" for this week...3 EPC Happenings1. Easter Worship - Christ is Risen! So excited for a joy-filled Easter morning on Sunday. The sanctuary will be filled with Easter flowers and our hearts will be overflowing with the good news of the...
Dear Friends, Tonight at 7PM is our Maundy Thursday Service. We will spend time reflecting on Christ's love for us and celebrate the Last Supper. You'll be invited to come forward for a handwashing and we will conclude with a the service of shadows. Please join us for this reflective...
Good Morning! Welcome to Sunday Worship! This morning's service begins at 10:30 and we will celebrate Palm Sunday! We will move from the joyous "Hosannas" to the shadows of the cross. Join us for a powerful service and a reflection on what it means to walk through the high and low...