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EPC Blogs

Thought for the Day, April 6, 2020

Posted by Traci Smith on

April 6, 2020 Thought for the day: Holy Week, Monday. Today is the first day of Holy Week. Our celebration will be very different this year, to be sure. How will you celebrate Holy Week at home? One idea is to take a look at ​THIS timeline for Holy Monday. Take a look at some of the links...

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Thought of the Day, April 5, 2020

Posted by Traci Smith on

April 5, 2020 Thought for the day: PALM SUNDAY! Hosanna! Today is the day we celebrate Christ’s journey into Jerusalem. The service is ​HERE​.. Announcements: ● Celebrating Holy Week at Home Links ○ THIS ​resource is from Episcopal brothers and sisters...

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Thought for the Day, April 3, 2020

Posted by Traci Smith on

April 3, 2020 Thought for the day: Peace that passes understanding. Philippians 4 gives us a “roadmap” for dealing with anxiety and worries. Paul says this in Philppians chapter 4: “​Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with...

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Thought for the Day, April 2, 2020

Posted by Traci Smith on

April 2, 2020 Thought for the day: Strength. This verse came to mind today. Joshua 1:9 “​ ​I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” Be strong my, my friends. God is with us...

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Thought for the Day, April 1, 2020

Posted by Traci Smith on

April 1, 2020 Thought for the day: Humor. Today’s April Fool’s Day. I’ve noticed that having a good laugh can make all the difference. What makes you laugh? I thought ​THIS ​ joke about pajamas during shelter in place was funny. How about you? What makes you laugh?...

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Thought for the Day, March 23, 2020

Posted by Traci Smith on

March 23, 2020    Thought for the day:    New every morning.  The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,     his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning;     great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is...

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Thought for the Day, March 20, 2020

Posted by Traci Smith on

Thought for the day: This present moment. Yesterday, I plunked out some hymns on the piano. I’ve not taken piano lessons in years, and I can only really do the treble clef, but my phone was off, the news was off, and I was fully present with the music. The hymn I was plunking out was...

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Thought for the Day: March 19

Posted by Traci Smith on

Thought for the day: hope.​ Romans 8​ talks about hope. ​Who hopes for what is seen? ​Hope is future oriented. As we look toward a situation that has no clear ending in sight, hope can be hard to hold on to. We take it one day at a time. Romans 8 is a towering...

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How to Sign-Up for EPC Text Messages

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Every day Pastor Traci sends out announcements and brief meditations via text. All you need to do is sign-up for REMIND by following these instructions. Don’t have a mobile phone? Go to rmd.at/8bac42f on a desktop computer to sign up for email notifications.      

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August Blog Post

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You've heard the word "mission," no doubt, as our congregation supports various different ministries, both with our finances and with our time. DuPage PADS is, perhaps, our strongest mission partner, as we've dedicated a large portion of space to housing those experiencing homelessness and serve...

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